Since 2002 dVera has been providing Business Development, Sales & Marketing services in the Oil & Gas industry.

dVera Business Development was originally incorporated in 2002 as Tridata Services Ltd. Originally designed to offer drilling activity data to oilfield service companies, Tridata grew to become a sales and marketing team that offered our clients full-time sales representation in the Oil & Gas Industry. The proprietary drilling information served as a sales tool to allow our sales team the opportunity to immediately identify opportunities in our clients’ target market. dVera continues to use our proprietary software to expedite the process of targeting key business opportunities and getting our clients positioned to be involved with desirable projects within the industry.


In 2020 Tridata Services Ltd rebranded and became dVera Business Development. dVera has maintained its marketing expertise within the Oil & Gas industry.

Areas of Practice

  • Business Development

  • Sales

  • Marketing

“It’s not about having the right opportunities. It’s about handling the opportunities right.”

– Mark Hunter

Get in Touch

Contact dVera Business Development today to learn more about how we will position your business for success.